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Showing posts from November, 2017

Deleted From The System

Have you found her yet? Is she going add you as a friend? This can't be happening. The war for the moon right? Luna! look towards it to find it she must brush the skills upright. She will never be one of us. The time we put in the stage is enough to fill here entire month up with one week. The process of elimination. She only made us stronger. Making her weaker. For not understanding to fix what makes you look weak. Work on strength to better yourself. Do not hide yourself. If you hide yourself you only lying to yourself. The choice is yours to make always. The power of the upper hand was strong. Moving the puppet to place to place. There is only one time you had to choose from truth and lying. The one time you chose to lie. The words are spoken and the words have been written. There is only one scarecrow in the Garden of Darkness. Planes, Trains and you see me taking you to a new adventure. You decided to stay in the Air Port. Why? I have no idea. I wo

Death Of Dawn

       People walk over me, for I am a sidewalk. The memories of once being human and now I am trapped into my own reoccurring nightmare. Every night I see the same little girl walking down the alley way. Same time, same pace, same charm and same routine each and every day. The remembrance of this was incredible. I would love this moment until one evening things of the process changed and my purpose was known as I inherit a curse to suffer more pain and the only escape is to eliminate the people in my way of my happiness.           My past life I was human, I was ordered to execute a particular group of people I had to follow orders or become executed myself. I had no choice for I wanted to exist. Judging me to age on is as worthless as judging a dog to eat scraps every day just to continue. I was that dog that was eating scraps . The older days of witnessing the burning of this little girl as I want to glance away as her eyes melt as I felt the jolt of every nerve in my

The Last Ride

Welcome To A Brand New Series THAT You Can Only Find @ The RyFy Zone. It's Called Short And Sweet . Ooops I met Short and Creepy. Brand New Series Launched on November 11th 2017. 11/11. You In For A Treat! Because These Stories Can Come From Anyone And Anything. A Bird, A Tree, A Bumble Bee, A Deer, A Ghost, A Lake, A Person, A Hospital, A Graveyard, A Telephone, A Cell Phone, A Monkey, A Mail Men, A Dentist, A Dead Person, A Orc, A Raven, A Cloud, A Flower, And A Snowman! The Road, The Street, The Sidewalk, The Moon, The Sun and The Train! CHOO! CHOO! So Buckle Up Buckaroo's as I Welcome You To Short And CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPY!             It all started from this weird dream. In this dream I would die. Well, silly thing is and kind of awkward. I died. But let me tell you how I die and how strange this was to end my life before I think it even got started. Let me give you more details about this dream, I was going to die at my favorite amusement park I o